
Take your first step towards success!

The office of undergraduate advising offers services for main campus, declared majors 和 those exploring an undergraduate major in psychology.


  • 主要和次要声明
  • 职业和学业规划
  • 毕业建议
  • 研究生院申请
  • 求职技巧
  • 心理学转学分审批
  • 时间管理技巧
  • 应试策略

本科办公室工作人员有 可用 to students 寻求帮助 Monday-Friday from 8a-5p. Assistance is 可用 via email at psychadvising@hg68333.com, in person in MGB 246, 和 via phone at 757-683-4441.

Advising: 建议可提供给 申报心理学专业 星期一至星期四 web会议 or in-person. Please review the advising information


预先声明主要 理学院顾问团队
宣布重大 心理辅导小组
远程学习专业 学生成功主任 DLSCadvising@hg68333.com

块/持有删除 总部门顾问 (CDA)/Individual Advisor
毕业建议 CDA /个人顾问
职业/研究生咨询 CDA /个人顾问
心理转移学分诉求 CDA


新转学生 will have their major declared 和 classes scheduled during 君主取向. Those opting not to attend 君主取向 should follow the process below for declaring a major.



建议可提供给 申报心理学专业 星期一至星期四 web会议 或者通过下面的日程安排亲自参加.


If you are an Intended psychology major, please email cosadvising@hg68333.com to schedule an appointment with your academic advisor. If you are prospective student, please email psychadvising@hg68333.com 寻求帮助.


Distance learning students meet with an assigned Student Success Director. 电子邮件 DLSCadvising@hg68333.com


Students not meeting the requirements to declare a major in psychology meet with the 理学院顾问团队. 电子邮件 COSadvising@hg68333.com


To declare your major in 心理学 you MUST:

  • Complete 6 credits of Written Communication (ENGL 110C + another composition course) with a C or better;
  • Complete 201年代心理学 和 Math 102M or 103M (or higher Math), 成绩都在C以上;
  • Currently have 和 maintain an overall GPA 和 心理学 GPA of 2.0; 和
  • 完成30学分.

Until you complete these requirements, you should be advised by the 理学院顾问团队, located in the Advising Suite in MGB 236.

After having 完成 these requirements, you can declare a 心理学 major. To do this, follow the process below for declaring a major. Once declared, you will be advised by main campus declared psychology advisors.

There are four required courses for 心理学 majors: PSYC 201S Introduction to 心理学, PSYC 316 Scientific Reasoning in 心理学, 317年心理学定量方法 和 PSYC 318W 研究 Methods.

PSYC 201S Introduction to 心理学 is a pre-requisite for all required 和 elective courses within the 心理学 major.

PSYC 316 Scientific Reasoning in 心理学 requires that a student has successfully 完成:

  • 数学102M或103M(或更高数学)

317年心理学定量方法 requires that a student has successfully 完成:

  • 201年代心理学,
  • 数学102M或103M(或更高数学),
  • PSYC 316,和
  • has officially declared their major in 心理学

心理学318研究方法 requires that a student has successfully 完成:

  • Writing Sample Placement Test (WSPT) (waived if ENGL 110C is transferred in)
  • two Written Communication courses (ENGL 110C 和 211C, 221C or 231C)
  • 317年心理学

注意: All required courses must be passed with a grade of C or better to fulfill the requirement.

Current, Non-Freshman or Transfer Students:

In order to declare your major in 心理学, you MUST have already 完成 6 credits of Written Communication (ENGL 110C + another composition course), 201年代心理学, 数学102M或更高, , 成绩都在C以上, 和 you must have already earned 30 credit hours. 学生必须有2分.要申报的专业和总绩点为0.

If you have not yet met these requirements, you should be advised by the 理学院顾问团队, located in the Advising Suite in MGB 236.

After having 完成 these requirements, you can declare a 心理学 major.. 请电子邮件 psychadvising@hg68333.com 有关如何申报的说明.

Incoming (First Semester at ODU) Transfer Students:

If you meet current departmental requirements 和 are transferring at least 30 credit hours from a previous institution to ODU, 你可以参加 转移方向 或者通过电子邮件宣布你的专业 psychadvising@hg68333.com.

To declare a minor in 心理学, please email psychadvising@hg68333.com 有关如何申报的说明. 请务必附上你的 名字 和 印尼 在所有的信件中.

学生应该有 完成 PSYC 201 Introduction to 心理学 with a grade of C or better before declaring a minor.

Please review the requirements for the 心理学小 在大学目录里.

这学期 之前 是你的毕业学期 强烈推荐 that you meet with an advisor for graduation advising. Advisors will review a graduation checklist with you to make sure that you are on track to graduate during your intended semester. Please refer to the advising schedule above to schedule your graduation advising meeting.

Students will receive an email with the instructions about when 和 how to complete the 心理学 Assessment. This email is sent out to graduating students approximately one month 之前 graduation. If it is late in your graduating semester 和 you feel that you should have received this email, 请联系 psychadvising@hg68333.com.

本科 学生服务 Specialist/Advising Assistant